At Little Acorns Day nursery we strive to provide the best possible care and education for each child, tailoring learning to meet there individual needs to ensure each child reaches their full potential, giving them the best start in life.

Nursery Local Offer
The nursery is an inclusive environment for all children. We want all our children to feel involved and a part of the group not to be made to feel that they are different in a negative way. All our children are unique in their own way and this will be celebrated and supported. So, we will provide the following as part of our daily routine:

  • Room visual timetable
  • Communication Fans
  • Signing
  • Picture Cards on equipment
  • Adjustable furniture

Please click here to view our SEND offer.

Hull's Local Offer
Find out here how Hull City Council will support children and families with SEND. Here you will find information regarding early years 0-5 years, education, becoming an adult, health and well-being,equipment, transport, leisure activities, social care,support and advice and money. Click here to open Hulls Local Offer.

Policies and Procedures
We also have included policies that relate to SEND as well. Please click to view them.
Additional Needs and Inclusion Policy
Admissions Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Health and Safety
Medication Policy
Safeguarding Children
SEND Information
Social and Emotional Guidance

Intervention Room
Here at Little Acorns we have a dedicated room for our children to be able to access for 1-1 or small group interventions. This quiet, calming space allows the children to participate and focus on their tasks without distractions.

We also use this as a sensory area for all our children. It comes complete with sensory floor tiles, bubble tubes, fibre optic lights, light toys, sensory toys, switchboard and many other stimulating resources.


Early Talk Boost
Early talk boost is an intervention designed to boost children's language and communication skills. This is aimed at children aged 3-5 years. Click here for more information.

Stories for Talking
Stories for talking is a structured language programme to support early language development in all children. We also use this tool to support our children whose English is an additional language. Click here for more information.

Communication Group
Communication groups are to build on social interaction, confidence and language skills. This can be for any child and is a SALT programme. Click here for more information.

Let's Play
Let's play is a fun approach to teach early communication skills for young children. These form the basis of learning, play and social interaction with adults and their peers. Click here for more information.

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© 2025 - Little Acorns Day Nursery (Hull) Limited