Early Years Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools and day care providers in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.
This is equivalent to £342 per year for those who start within the pre-school room from September who meet the criteria for the Pupil Premium, this goes off parent incomes and finances. Children who are eligible for this will receive this the term after they turn three. If children turn 3 in the Summer term, they will receive the full £342, however if they turn three during the Autumn term, then they will receive £228 and those who turn three during the Spring term will receive £114 in the Summer term. This money all goes to the setting to purchase resources/ experiences to best narrow the gap and help progress children’s development to the best of their potential.
- To continue to provide all children with high quality teaching and learning experiences.
- To continue to use targeted intervention and support to close the attainment gap.
- To develop the curriculum to engage all learners, develop independence, resilience, collaboration and provide challenge.
- To provide a range of quality first hand experiences to raise aspirations, engage children in their learning and expose them to the world around them.
- To provide support and offer exciting and first-hand experiences to ensure that the children are ready to learn and progress in their development.
- Narrowing the gap between the most disadvantaged children and their peers.
- Data to look at our lowest and highest areas to determine what area/s needs to be supported.
- What our parents say (if there’s anything they feel their child may benefit from)
- What our children say (What the children would like or to do within the setting or in the environment)
- Nursery objectives