We understand the need for children to be treat as individuals, learning and developing at their own pace. These needs are met by individual planning and continuous support with encouragement and praise to ensure that each child reaches their full potential. Our goal is to prepare your child for their future success and meeting their needs from an early age will greatly promote understanding and enjoyment of leaning and education. This is done through our curriculum. The nursery follows the 'Development Matters framework' and the 7 main area's of learning, development and care are:


  • Communication and Language Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development


  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

"Learning through play"

Key Person System

When your child first starts with us they will be assigned to a key person who will be responsible for your childs overall care and development needs. They will liase with the other staff members to ensure your child has the correct meals, nappy changes and routine followed. They will write observations on your child focusing on their interests and development as well as plan for their individual needs. At the end of term they will carry out a development check in line with the EYFS and complete an end of term report for you. At every stage we will work closely with you.

"Parents are a child's first educator"

Parents as partners

We greatly value our partnerships with parents. Together we can help your child reach their full potential. We can achieve this by sharing information about your child (interests, development, needs). This will be done through daily conversations, planning, parents evenings and stay and play sessions. Our youngest children are provided with a diary which we communicate children's routines and care needs (such as bottles/sleeps). We will ask you to complete observation slips which contribute to your child’s assessment at the end of each term. There are also many loan schemes/handouts we provide which will help you and your child whilst at home.

Trips and outings

We love to be out and about. We want our children to learn all about the community they live in. Our youngest children go out in our 6-seater transporter. Our older children will go out on our ‘walkerdile’, on the bus (very exciting) or on a coach (trip depending). Our local walks can be spontaneous. A nature walk, a maths hunt or a phonics expedition. We love to visit museums, and see all the great things Hull has to offer. Bigger trips are planned too such as The Deep, farm or the pantomime. Parents are welcome to come along on any trip. The main trips are planned and can be found on your rooms termly calendar.

British values

Through our work we help raise children to understand what it is to be British and celebrate our culture and traditions. We also teach the children about other cultures, faiths and traditions. Together we learn respect and understanding for everyone in the world.

British Values are:

  • Democracy (turn taking, collaborating, making decisions, treating everyone equally and fairly)
  • The rule of law (making nursery rules and following them, having boundaries and consequences)
  • Individual liberty (Positive self-image, building confidence, understanding the world around us)
  • Mutual respect for and tolerance (learn about people’s faiths, different communities, treat others as we want to be treated, understand feelings, explore differences and similarities)

Every Child a Talker (ECaT)

ECaT is a language program that supports language development in young children. Through every day, fun and interesting experiences which reflect children’s interests, ECAT encourages early language development right from the outset, extending children’s vocabulary so that before they start school, children are confident and skilled communicators. Staff will observe children and at the end of term a ECaT monitoring form will be completed which focus on 4 main areas; Social Skills, Speech, Sounds and Talk, Listening and Attention and Understanding of Language. When a family first starts at the nursery the parents are asked to complete a small survey to determine their strengths and find out, if any, what support you may need to support your child at home. At the end of every term all children’s data is compiled and we can see as a nursery how overall our children are progressing and what we need to work on.

Phonics (Letters and Sounds)

Phase One of Letters and Sounds concentrates on developing children's speaking and listening skills. The emphasis during Phase One is to get children attuned to the sounds around them and ready to begin developing oral blending and segmenting skills.
Phase One is divided into seven aspects. Each aspect contains three strands: Tuning in to sounds (auditory discrimination), Listening and remembering sounds (auditory memory and sequencing) and Talking about sounds (developing vocabulary and language comprehension).
Phase One lays the foundations for the phonic work which starts in Phase 2 (School).


The nursery uses basic Makaton signing. Signing is a great tool to help children convey their needs if they do not yet have the verbal skills to do so. It in no way compromises the child’s ability to speak, it only enhances their ability to communicate. Staff will always say the word to each sign they make so children develop their understanding skills, verbal skills and signing. Please ask staff for further information if you would like to learn some basic signs. Watch our Facebook page for sign of the week or you may want to attend our termly signing session.

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