Pre-School Room
We have two preschools. Preschool 1 is located at the front of the building. It can hold up to 21 children a session, in a ratio of 1:7 (although OFSTED guidelines state a maximum ratio of 1:8) and we have three dedicated staff members.
Preschool 2 is located at the back of the building overlooking the garden with a door leading in to it. It can hold up to 14 children also in a ratio of 1:7 and we have two dedicated staff members.

Both our preschools run the same way. They again continue to strengthen the primes but focus on the specific areas of the EYFS. We offer more adult led activities to help broaden the children’s minds.

‘Readiness for school’ is a big part of the preschool as they get closer to this exciting time in their lives. The children participate in self-service (serving their own snack and meals), becoming helpers (setting up dinner tables, preparing snack). We help them make more informed choices about their daily lives.

The children take part in circle times, were we can engage them in more thought provoking activities such as science experiments, or talks about ancient Egypt or Volcanoes. We discuss serious issues such as fire safety, stranger danger, E Safety and many more.

Our preschool goes on local outings. This may be to the shops to buy baking equipment or post a letter they have written (we once wrote to the queen and got a reply). We go on nature walks or take our clip boards or cameras for literacy or numeracy activities. We also go on trips further afield to places like The Deep, or to visits our museums or even the theatre (oh no you don’t…. oh yes, we do!)