What do I need to bring with me?
Each day ou will need to bring the following for your child:
  • Nappies, wipes and cream (if applicable), you can bring in bulk or enough for the day
  • Spare changes of clothes i.e. trousers, tops, vests, pants, socks for the weather (please ensure you label all of your childs clothing)
  • Comforters
  • Wellies
  • Appropriate coat in winter, hat gloves, scarf
  • Appropriate coat in summer, sun cream, sun hat
  • Milk if not on cow’s milk (your child’s key person will go through what is acceptable on your visits)
  • Special People pictures (mum, dad, siblings, the dog)
  • A wet clothes bag for your childs dirty/wet clothes as we no longer use single use plastic bags. These can be purchased for a small fee from the setting.
  • A wet suit must be provided for Winter/wet days as your child will be accessing the garden all year round. Children will not be kept in for any reason, including illness or unsuitable protection/clothing.
How will I know what events are happening in the nursery?
The nursery has lots of activities and events which are planned for at the beginning of each term. Each room has a termly calendar on display for you to see. It will give you term time dates, trips and outings, visitors to the nursery and special occasions/festivals we will be celebrating. If you are free to come and join in please inform your child’s key person and they will be happy to run through with you what is happening. Not all events are planned as some are spontaneous. Our app is full of information and can be synchronised to your mobile device so you can get reminders of all the upcoming events. Our Facebook page is updated on a regular basis showing you all the wonderful activities our children are taking part in during the day as well as upcoming events so please follow us!
How do I access Famly?
Once you have completed your registration process with us, we will send you a login with your registered email address. From there you can set up your account. You will then have access to all the latest news that has or will be happening in the nursery, our calendar/events, activity ideas, and meals. You will also be able to see your child’s 2 year old check (if applicable), their development overview and ECAT. You will be able to update your child’s information such as new address, new contact details, changes to diet/allergies etc. You can request medication to be given by completing a form (please make sure you have informed staff in the morning when you hand over the medication). You can also let us know if your child will not be attending for any reason or to inform us of holidays.
What will you do if my child is not settling?
Your child’s key person will spend quality time with your child building that special bond. As many cuddles as your child needs will be given. We will work at the pace of your child. There is no set time on how long it takes for a child to settle. We offer comforters and toys which you tell us your child likes. We promise to be open and honest with. Majority of children do settle (although dropping off can continue to be difficult, whilst they are with us they are having fun in a loving environment).
What can you do: Trust us, we are doing everything in our power to make your child feel safe and secure. Children pick up on their parent’s emotions, so try your best (we know it’s hard) to be positive and happy when in nursery so your child knows it’s a safe place. Be consistent, time off unnecessarily can put your child back. Try to limit the number of transitions your child must go through whilst settling in.
How will I find out about my child’s progress?
We pride ourselves on passing over informative messages. When your child achieves something, we like to share it. Every session you will get verbal messages about how your child has got on that session and anything developmental will be shared. At the end of every term your child will have a ‘development overview’ carried out on them. This is from all the information we have gathered that term from both us and you. We will inform you of where we have placed your child in accordance with the EYFS. At the end of every term your child's key person will hold a discussion with you on your child's achievements and together you will set their next steps. All the information gathered is in your child’s learning journey. You may ask to see this at any time.
Can you give my child medication?
The short answer is yes. We train all our staff on how to give children medication safely. However, there are rules and exceptions. Please view our medication policy in policies and procedures.
How will my child go to sleep?
The baby room has a dedicated sleep room just off the main room, so our children can be seen and heard always and never left unsupervised. We have cots for our younger children and they are later transitioned to flat beds (staff will discuss with you when they feel it’s appropriate). All children will have clean bedding for every sleep. We will try to carry out all parent’s wishes if it does not go against the safer sleep guidelines. Please view these in the download page. Toddlers will also be able to go to sleep in the sleep room or they may sleep in the rooms cosy den. Preschool children will be able to nap in their cosy dens also should they require a sleep.
What qualifications do your staff have?
All staff are level 3 qualified with management and other staff members holding degrees in Early childhood studies. Management team all hold level 3 management qualifications. Every staff member has Paediatric first aid, food hygiene and safeguarding level 1 (child protection). All staff are Police checked.
Can my child attend your preschool if they are not toilet trained?
Yes of course they can. We understand that all children are different and they will learn this life skill at different times. We urge parents to talk to their child’s key person before toileting training so we can offer advice on whether your child is ready to start training and how to go about it. Often starting a child before they are ready can cause both the child and the parent a lot of stress. Once you are ready to start we have the facilities to support you.
What will happen if my child is ill?
If your child is ill and cannot attend nursery, please telephone at your earliest convenience. Staff will be able to advise you should you need any advice. Unfortunately, no refunds can be made for missed sessions. If your child became ill whilst at nursery, we will inform you by the contact numbers you have given us. Please make sure you inform staff if you will not be able to answer your phone and ensure someone on your contact list is always available. We will give medication as stated in our medication policy. It is not uncommon for children to pick up illnesses when they first start. It can take months for your child’s immune system to build up.
What will happen if I am unable to collect my child?
We understand that sometimes things don’t go as planned. Please contact the nursery immediately and inform us of who is coming to collect, what time, a description (if we haven’t seen them before) and make sure they have the password. If we do not know someone different is coming to collect we will not release your child in to their care. If you are running late, past closing time, please inform us immediately. Try to find someone to collect on your behalf (as above). If this is not possible you may be charged £5 per staff member for every 15 minutes you are late (we must keep two staff members behind to care for your child for safeguarding reasons). Should no one turn up for your child and we have no notification then after 30 minutes social services will be called.
Is your preschool the same as a nursery preschool?
Yes. There is no difference between a private preschool and a school preschool. OFSTED ratings and opening hours all vary however. We are all working from the same framework (EYFS) and are governed by OFSTED. It will not affect the school your child goes to if they do not attend the preschool at the school as all school applications go to the Local Authority who decides who goes where and your child’s preschool place will have no bearing on that.
Can my child bring their favourite toy?
Comforters are welcome. It can be very difficult on a child who has a specific comforter at home but then cannot have it at nursery so please do bring it. Toys are also welcome. Your child will not be made to share it (it is theirs after all) but the nursery cannot be held responsible for items going missing or getting broken. If it is causing disruption your child may be asked to put it in their bag until home time. Please limit the number of toys to just one if possible. The positive side to it is, sometimes they do share and children show cooperation, listening and understanding and sometimes problem-solving skills. They like to share at group time what they have brought in and this can build on their self-confidence and promote language in the group.
Do you offer settling in sessions before my child starts?
Yes, we do, you have two options. Option 1: You can have 2 x 1 hour visits. The first visit you will stay with your child and meet their key worker and fill out some additional documentation and pass over all information about your child’s needs, wants, likes etc. The 2nd visit you will leave your child with us for the hour so they can have a chance to spend time with their key worker. Option 2: You combine your visits to 1 x 2 hours. Again, we suggest you spend the first hour completing paperwork and passing information over and then leave your child with us for a short time. You can add in additional hours at the rate of £7 per hour places permitted.

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